Festive Fun: 4 Ways to Reuse Your Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree, how lovely are thy branches! 

The following are four different ways to make use of your Christmas tree when the festive period comes to an end.

1. Replant your tree

If your Christmas tree has a root ball it can be replanted and reused next year. Choose a sheltered spot away from drying winds but open to a good amount of sunlight. It's best to replant your tree as close to Christmas as possible as the longer you keep it inside (especially with central heating) the poorer your chances are of it thriving outside. Dig a hole ideally 4-5 times wider than the rootball and plant your tree into the well and keep it watered once a week.

2. Create a mulch

Take a shredder and put all of the branches through it to create a fine mulch which can be then spread onto your flower beds and borders. Pine needles can be collected and are quite acidic so create a perfect mulch for any ericaceous-loving plants such as rhododendrons and azaleas. The thicker the mulch, the more your plants will preserve moisture and nutrient levels throughout the hot summer months.

3. Create habitat environments 

The timber pieces can be cut down into different shapes and sizes and stacked up to create a small bug hotel, providing shelter for all sorts of creepy crawlies and small animals such as hedgehogs and toads. Find out a bit more about this here. Any central trunk could also be split and cut down to help in the formation of small wildlife boxes.

4. Bird table

Why not use a heavy piece to create a bird table, which you can fill with sunflower seeds and peanuts, and maybe some moss from your lawn which the birds will love to use in the spring to create their nests.